Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What a Glorious Day

The temperature is hovering above zero. A light snow is falling.  Just enough to cover the dirty snow beside driveways and roads but it is melting as soon as it hits the paved surfaces so no shoveling or plowing is needed. This is my idea of a perfect winter day.  Like having your cake and eating it too. You get the pretty snow without the shoveling, frigid temperatures or biting wind we get too often.


Cherylinn said...

Oh come on Laura, winter is about the shoveling snow, biting winds and cold temperature. This mild weather is horrible, the pond is no longer safe for our hockey games.....I've got my helmet and girlie girl stick and now I can't use it.....Bring on the cold.

Lauras Garden said...

Had enough of real winter after years of living in Labrador and Edmonton and Manitoba. I used to think nothing of -60 now I cringe at -5.

SusanE said...

I'd play hockey with you Cheryl.

Funny how we adjust to temperatures eh Laura. The first 10 years in Kenora was often well below -40, now we hardly ever get -30 (almost never during the day)

Fiddling Granny said...

There's something about the green of the leaves and warm breezes that gets in the way of me appreciating the winter days.