For breakfast I slurped a bowl of orange jello and black tea. For lunch I am dining on beef or chicken broth with gatorade (yuck) or white grape juice. For dinner I will feast on more broth and more jello and clear fluids. Can you guess why?
a) I want to lose a lot of weight fast
b) I am having my first colonoscopy tomorrow
c) there is nothing else to eat in the house
I won't keep you in suspense - the correct answer is b)
The last thing you want the day before a team examines your nether regions is
a) your basement to flood again
b) an unexpected reminder you are a woman
c) your credit card statement from your kitchen reno
d) all of the above
Yup - b) again. I am so glad it wasn't d)! I am trying to stay positive. It could be worse. I am going with a friend who just happens to be going at the same time so I will have company during the whole wait. Misery loves company. Her husband is driving because Kevin is away so it worked out amazingly well. I am not going because I am having problems - just because my dad has cancer and I am supposed to be checked. It could be so much worse. I could live in Haiti. I am going to pray for Haiti when the hunger pangs hit. I have food and water - I just can't eat today. Many Haitians don't have either. I have a house - many there are living on the streets in terror. Even though we complain about long waits for doctors we aren't waiting for days with broken bones and infected wounds then being treated without the proper tools and medications. Connor makes more in 2 weeks than the average Haitian makes in a year.
I have to drink 2 litres of water in the next 4 hours. That is going to be tough. Normally I do drink often but not a lot. When I am working outside in the hot sun I drink a litre during a work day. I have to double that sitting inside and not sweating. Still, if that is the toughest part of my day I have nothing to complain about.
Been there, done that ... the lead up is the worst part. No big deal, but worth having done.
The visit from Aunt Flo was unfortunate timing. LMAO
Yes I thought Aunt Flo's visit was very entertaining as well....They're doctors, they've seen it all before.
Had my first one this summer. I don't do sedation/anesthetic well, The colonoscopy was the easy part, bringing me back to normality was the difficult part. It took me until the next day before I was aware of what I was doing once again....Good thing for Melissa, she still laughs about how I was.
Glad you are getting it done.....It's worth it.
I remember your story. I have never had anaesthetic before unless you count an epidural with the twins so I have no idea how I will react.
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