Friday, December 17, 2010

Still Digging Out

The last few days have been beautiful. Warm and just a dusting of snow and enough sun to start melting the snow where there were little bits of pavement showing. Good thing I didn't have to shovel much. My hand started spasming after a few minutes of shoveling yesterday. And every muscle in my body is still recovering. You don't realize how much of your body is involved in shoveling until you overdo it. And amazingly Connor hurts in the same spots!

Wasaga Beach has borrowed plows, giant snow blowers, graders and front end loaders from 4! other towns and townships to finish the clean up. As I write this at 10 pm they are still working in our neighbourhood clearing the roads. They have been here for more than 10 hours. There are still some of the small "cottage" lanes that haven't seen a plow for more than a week because the drifts are 10 feet tall and they had to wait for the giant snow blowers to deal with it. Much of our main street is still single laned while they try to figure out where to put all the snow they need to remove. They figure it will take another 5 days before things are back to normal (unless we get more snow!) We don't have to dream of a White Christmas. And I don't want to hear "Let it Snow".

The three days we were housebound felt like I was living in another time - you know like the Ingalls family in The Long Winter. Cabin Fever was settling in quickly, I don't know how pioneers made it through months of isolation and confinement. And we had phone and internet to help us "escape". We were fine for food but I did call friends I knew were more trapped than us. One ran out of bread (and flour), the other was out of cat food. It must have been extremely difficult to plan for 5 or so months. We are so lucky to live in this country at this time.


Fiddling Granny said...

Glad things are settling down. Sorry to have heard the end of the snow stories for a while!

Cherylinn said...

Last year Minden....this year Wasaga....Who's next?

Guess everybody is now frantic to get their shopping done.