For those of you who don't live in the beautiful Georgian Triangle and don't follow our news I thought I would update you on our last week or so. In the 10 years we have lived here we have never experienced anything like this. We have had 5 and 6 week stretches where it snows an inch or two a day but not 6 inches or more a day.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - all Snow Days. Over the 3 days a variety of closures occurred. Georgian college was closed several days. Our town buses were taken off the road early. One of the schools was closed because the doors were drifted over. The Honda plant cancelled a shift (first time I remember). The base was pretty much closed because the plows couldn't keep up with the snowfall. Again, that was a first. Connor spent most of his time at the toboggan hill. Areas south of us had more snow - I feel sorry for them.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - still snowing but activities back to normal.
Monday - Snow Day again and colder. Winds caused several road closures and Kevin had to take a very circuitous route home from work.
Tuesday - Buses cancelled. Schools all closed. Many roads closed. Production line at Honda cancelled because the parts they are waiting for can't get through. Township plows have been pulled off the roads. Poor visibility and many cars stuck. And - the real clincher that explains how bad things are here - Blue Mountain is closed! We are getting off easy compared to our western neighbours. But tomorrow looks the same!
I am not looking forward to going to shovel today. There is a wicked windchill and blowing snow. Part of the driveway has snowbanks too high for me to throw on top of anymore so I have to move it down the drive. It isn't even winter yet! Where are we going to put the snow for the next 3 months? I have had enough snow days. I have cleaned the whole house and used all the butter so I can't bake anything else. I am waiting for 4 parcels that are held up somewhere because of the weather much of central North America is experiencing. Enough already!
From what I understand you guys are expecting more over the next few days.....
Thanks for the reminder. We are sure tomorrow will be another snow day. Tomorrow I will start bringing in totes of snow to melt in the tub to make room for what is still to come.
It's going to be quite a winter if we all keep getting so much snow.
However, I bet that Wasaga Beach will get the most. You guys get nasty snowfalls.
What ? No pix? I'm shaking my head at how much you've had. And so early in the season!
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