Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What a Day!

I woke up at 6 and took a peek outside. The first thing I saw was our bbq. From the amount of snow on top of it I determined it was yet another snow day. Clever, huh? I was outside shoveling by 6:30. The doors barely opened and the dogs needed to pee.You can see how deep the snow is when 60 pound dogs disappear. Here they are searching for treats I threw in the snow. It keeps them busy (and quiet) while I shovel.

A few more shots to show the depth of the snow. My truck looks like a super-raised monster truck and the snow is up past my knees.

Yes, I know we Canadians should expect snow. I have lived through many big storms but I have never seen so much for so long. Usually you get a break between big storms or shovel a few inches a day, not feet every day for weeks. Remember I have lived in Alberta, Manitoba and Labrador, the latter noted for record snow falls.

When I went in, I finished this puzzle while I was waiting for breakfast.


Country Girl said...

The new meanin of snow dogs!

SusanE said...

I'm glad it's you shovelling all that and not me. You should be proud of yourself.

Fiddling Granny said...

It's been kind of fun reading these one after the next ... watching the snow get more and more ridiculous!

Especially from here where we have about a foot of snow.