Wednesday, December 15, 2010

At one point today Connor just fell backwards into the snowbank. Thankfully it is light, dry snow so there was a big whoosh of powder and he practically disappeared.

I took this just to give you an idea how high our snowbanks are. Marcus is 6 foot 3 inches. I ache everywhere from throwing the snow over my shoulders for hours.

Shasta playing "King of the Castle". Usually we don't let her off leash in the front because she is very unpredictable. Between the deep snow and the ice on or driveway she can't travel very far or very fast so she is enjoying a lot of freedom.


Country Girl said...

I'm glad I'm In Vancouver! All the snow we get melts as it lands :)

SusanE said...

can make a quinzhee without even piling snow up.

Fiddling Granny said...

Holy crap .... and it's not winter yet! LOL