Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Connor's Shoes

Before you look at the pictures you need to know a few things about Connor.
Connor does not wear sandals or flip flops.
Connor does not wear dress shoes.
Connor will not even wear running shoes.
Or winter boots.
Connor wears skateboard shoes. Period.
Connor wears brand new shoes biking. And in the snow and rain. Connor canoes and mows the lawn in brand new shoes. He will not wear his old shoes once he gets new ones.
He goes through shoes very quickly. Mom will not pay for his shoes any more.
Therefore he usually has only one pair.
He brought one pair of shoes on vacation with us.
I am sure you can already see where this is going.

There were spots on the Fundy Shore that looked like red rock. It wasn't. The smooth shiny surface was very deceptive. It was thick, gluey mud. People with sandals (me) or people with extra shoes (Kevin and Tori) could "walk" on the "rock". Not such a good idea for Connor.

He made the best of a bad situation. He used some of the coal deposits to put toe protectors on his new workboots. (The shoes were previously black, orange and bright blue - double click on picture to get a closer look)

We went shoe shopping as soon as we got back.