It is amazing.
It is so simple.
And so healthy.
It is a Biosta sprouter.
You simply put the seeds in a tray and water them once or twice a day. The little red siphon pumps move the water to the bottom tray where you discard it next time you need to water it. There are many kinds of seeds available. Shown below are Crunchy Bean Mix and Alfalfa seeds.
Several days later the sprouts are ready!
In the last two weeks we have had sprouts on sandwiches and salads. The Crunchy Bean Mix was a delicious addition to spinach salad. These ones are destined to be added to rice. Yummy. The possibilities are endless.
Several days later the sprouts are ready!
In the last two weeks we have had sprouts on sandwiches and salads. The Crunchy Bean Mix was a delicious addition to spinach salad. These ones are destined to be added to rice. Yummy. The possibilities are endless.
And I get a gardening fix in the winter.
Years ago I sprouted my own and loved them....Then I broke my (not as nice s yours) bean sprouter and never got another.....Oh seeing them makes me want to do some.
Where do your seed mix?
I got the initial seeds from Vesey's with the kit. I have seen seeds and other sprouters in health food stores and a few other places.
I had a sprouter once too. I wonder where it went?
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