Saturday, May 16, 2009

Meet the Author

Cantering Caitlin and 4 other Wasaga Beach authors gave a talk at our local library today.  The focus was how they got their books published (and how you could get yourself published).  Caitlin did a great job!  She was the only one to do a power point (all the other authors were over 50, many well over).  She didn't appear nervous and answered all questions.  Several young girls from an elementary school came with their teacher just to meet her!  She sold a few copies of her book but I am sure gained a lot in experience.   

There were 2 fiction books, one on fishing, one about everyone being psychic and a non-fiction on women in the fishing/sailing industry in Newfoundland.  The only one not self-published is the one about Newfoundland women.  

Well done Caitlin.  We are proud of you.


SusanE said...

Way to go Caitlin. You should be proud.

Fiddling Granny said...

That is so exciting!!

Cherylinn said...

You should be so proud of yourself.....